Yuya manages to survive Jack's attack and brings out Enlightenment Paladin. Sora and Moon Shadow infiltrate Sector Security HQ and destroy the control system. They free the Duel Chasers from Roget's control. Remembering that he alone was the one who founded Pendulum Summoning, Yuya is able to perform a Synchro Summon without a Tuner monster and summon the Synchro-Pendulum Monster, Nirvana High Paladin. Jack responds by using two Tuner monsters to Double Tune Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend and summon Tyrant Red Dragon Archfiend. Yuya realizes his way of dueling came from everyone he has faced off against and brings out his army of Performapals along with Timebreaker Magician, which is led by Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon.